
Kaari Prehab

Goodbye tension headaches: Monday Mobility is here! ✨

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Take the edge off with a little movement break.

Hey there, Reader!

❌ Tension headaches! ❌

We’ve all been there: you’re busy and stressed, your neck and shoulders get all tight and scrunched up, and before you know it, you feel a tension headache creeping in.

While there’s no magic trick to make a headache dissolve, there are LOTS of things you can do to take the edge off.

1️⃣ Stress causes physical tension, which in turn creates stiffness, which produces a headache, which then causes more stress and physical tightness, which worsens the headache… and so it goes in an unfortunate self-fulfilling downward spiral. An effective way to break the cycle is to deliberately pause, and take a few deep breaths. So simple, but it helps downshift the nervous system, reduce the physiological markers of stress, and create a cascade effect of relaxation!

2️⃣ Tension relief! Many muscles of the neck, shoulders and chest can refer pain to the head, and either create or exacerbate a headache (think suboccipitals, upper traps, temporalis, sternocleidomastoid amongst others). You can massage any tense areas yourself, or follow along with a quick guided release- click the image below to give it a try.

3️⃣ Posture! This becomes super important in the long run. Modern postural habits can cause the center of gravity of the head to drift forward, resulting in muscular imbalances and neck tension that feels like it never lets up. Breaking these postural habits is a bigger project, but the techniques shown here can provide short-term symptom relief AND give you access to better alignment in the neck, without tight muscles limiting your options or keeping you in a painful position.

Want to try some of this out for yourself? Click below for a quick movement break designed to give you some tension relief

(** Please note that not every movement is suitable for all bodies. Please listen to your body and defer to your medical provider if you have any concerns, injuries, or conditions that affect your movement, or are unsure if a particular movement is safe for you! **)

video preview

If you enjoy our Mobility Monday series, you will love our new Movement Breaks program, which includes the sequence above! This program brings you a wide selection of 5 minute, prop-free sequences, designed to quickly release tension, boost your mood, and energize you. Use code MOVEMENT at checkout to receive your exclusive 10% discount. (Please be sure to include coupon code at checkout, as no refunds can be made.) Tap the button below to check out the program!

We hope this newest program helps you start your new year feeling your best! Still have questions about the program, or anything else? Simply reply to this email and we'll get back to you within a couple of business days.

Let's move better, together.
Jenni// Kaari Head Coach

A couple more fun updates:
Our next
Strength Training & Yoga for Osteoporosis cohort is starting February 7th and it's filling up fast! Fill in our intake form here to get the ball rolling and join in.

Have you recently had a baby? Or maybe you (or someone you know!) is expecting. If so, be sure to join us for our FREE seminar on February 5th. Register here for Postpartum Recovery for New Mothers: Breath, Core & Pelvic Floor Essentials.

P.S. Don't forget, as an email subscriber you get an exclusive 10% discount to our newest
Movement Breaks program! Simply use the code MOVEMENT at checkout to receive your discount.

Kaari Prehab

Mobility, recovery and injury (p)rehab for weekend warriors, couch potatoes, Olympians, and everyone in between.

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